Local > Store selector

Let's jump at the last section of the theme, the store selector. This is one of Local's biggest features, as it allows you to define multiple store locations and connect them to the locations you are actually selling from, in order to inform your visitors about product availability and also give an easy way for them to find useful information about your locations.

For this to properly work, you need to have your locations first defined and properly working. This is a basic Shopify functionality, so we recommend you read more about it here: https://help.shopify.com/en/manual/shipping/setting-up-and-managing-your-shipping/local-methods

Once you have this set up and working, you are ready to setup the theme's store selector as well.

Step 1: Add a block

Each block that you add will be a reference to a real location that you had set in your admin. The most important setting here is the Name, which has to be an exact copy of the name that your real store has. Next, all the settings are useful information that you might want to give your customers. Pick up details, store details, closing times and a store image. Last but not least, you can use the interactive map to show your stores on a real map, using a custom pin and gps coordinates to set this up.

See how this should be configured:

The store selector will be triggered by the store selector block in the header or any pickup availability block that you may add in product grids / pages. Once an user makes a selection, the store selector block in the header will update to show the details of the selected store and also update the local availability widget everywhere it is used.

Step 2: Configure the map

Configuring the map is pretty straightforward, once you have the API key set and running you just have to enable the map and make sure that each store has correct gps coordinates introduced. You can set the map zoom (which you need to be careful at, in order to make sure that all your custom markers will be properly shown) and change the map style. Each added store will be triggered by a map pin and viceversa. 

You can watch a tutorial about setting the store selector in our Local tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UyUYe_RQKnk&t=830s
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