Borders > Drawers group

The drawers group consists of the three main drawers of the theme which can be edited.

Navigation drawer

The navigation drawer controls the mobile / minimal navigation, so make sure that you edit it, because this is what your mobile users will see instead of the main header navigation.

You can add different menus to the drawer using blocks. Each block represents a menu and can be designed in a different way in order to set out importance, by changing text size, text weight and writing a custom title for the menu.

Each menu supports a three level navigation system, so you can really build up a complex navigation that will assist your customers in finding what they need.

As for the section settings, you can set up various important links such as the link to the account page, or the country / language selectors and social profile links.

Remember, all of these need to be configured properly in their respective categories

  1. To show up the account link your need to have customer accounts enabled.
  2. To show up country selectors you need to have local currencies set up.
  3. To show the language selector you need localization and translation set up.
  4. Social links are shown if set up in the Theme Customizer > Settings > Social.

The first three require various steps taken in your online store. If you have trouble setting up any of these, you may want to contact Shopify Support, as this is something that they can assist with.

Lastly, you have a single promotion block for the navigation drawer, which can be used to promote a new product, a sale or just make an important announcement.

Cart drawer

The cart drawer is a very important part of your store, being the place where your potential customers see the items that they have in the cart. It appears automatically after a customer adds something to their cart.

Remember that it only works if the cart type is set to drawer in the Theme Settings!

This section doesn't have may settings, but it does allow you to choose what buttons you want to see in your drawer:

  • Show just the "view cart" button if you have a more complex checkout process and you're featuring some apps or extra steps that the user has to take in the cart page
  • Show just the "check out" button if you want a more fast - speedy checkout process

Also, you can add a product promotion that the users can view while they open the cart.

Products that have a single variant will show up a "buy now" button, that allows your customers to add that product directly into the cart, while products that have multiple variants will show up a "view product" button, that will redirect your users to the respective product page.

Search drawer

The section for predictive search, it appears when the user clicks the "search icon" in the header, it allows you to search through the entire store and see results as you type.

In order to configure the search content you will need to install the Shopify Search & Discovery app.

Other than this, you can select a custom menu to appear when the search is blank, before the user types anything, which can help in directing customers to various important parts of your store.

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