Borders > Overlay group

The last section group on the theme is the Overlay group, which consists of various popovers, the dedicated newsletter popup and the age restriction.


The newsletter popup offers is pretty customizable, as you can set an image & some text content, or just leave the sign up form without anything else. Use it as you wish.

Collected addresses are saved inside your Shopify Dashboard, under the Customers section. If you want to integrate with MailChimp, check out this article:

After you set up the design, you can also set the Functionality, which refers to how the popups appears, after how many seconds and how often.

Once a user closes the popup, he will not see it again in the timeframe (frequency) that you set in the settings!


There are two types of popovers that you can add on your store.


It's a unique popover which appears automatically if your store's settings allow it. In order to enable the popover, you need to go to your Dashboard > Online Store > Preferences > Customer Privacy, and make sure that you select the data to be collected after consent.

If this option is selected, the cookies popover will appear, giving users the possibility to choose whether they accept cookies or decline any tracking. Otherwise, the data is automatically collected by Shopify without user consent.


The text popover can be used to introduce discounts or make product announcements. Similar to the announcement bar in the header, it gives you the possibility to restrict it's visibility, so you can have 5 unique popovers on 5 different page templates. Also, there isn't any limit on how many of these popovers you can add, though you should limit them to a just a few on any given time and also make sure that you make them appear after different timeouts, not all at once.

As with the newsletter popup, any popover which is closed will not appear to the merchant a second time unless the set time has passed.

Age verification

The age verification popup needs needs to be added as a custom section, because once it is added it will block your visitors from accessing your website unless they confirm their age.

You can change the text of the popup and also add a background image for a better visual impact

Rotating badges

The final section of the theme is the one which holds rotating badges. These can be used for purely visual purposes or with information about your products, store, policies and more. You have quite a few customization options, starting with the text / number of characters, the ability add an icon and then edit the characters, scale, rotating speed and position. You can also choose whether you want a badge to appear on all pages, just on the homepage, or on product pages.

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