Borders > Animations

Borders is full of animations! 🙂

Image animations

You can change the image loading visuals from pixelation to a solid color to none. Then, you can choose an animation for any images that have links, other than product items because those have a different setting.

You can see this in sections like "Rich blocks", where you give a certain block a link but don't put a button near it:

Text links

For text links we also have a few animation styles, based on what you're trying to achieve. You can change the effect from a simple underline to a plain italic, and add an arrow for some of the link types. The card hover effect refers to most cards that can turn their background to the accent color and change the text color to the accent foreground at the same time:

Scrolling effects

There are two types of scrolling effects available in the theme.

  1. One which animates specific sections into view, as you scroll down. Some sections or grid items will be zoomed out and displaced until they hit the viewport, moment in which they zoom back in and back to their proper position
  2. The other one which adds a subtle zoom to images, again, while you scroll. This effect can be seen while images are coming into viewport, as they start zoomed out and slowly go to their original zoom (100%), when they are fully visible in the viewport.

You can use both at the same time, but may want to check the performance on the devices that your customers have. If your target audience has older devices or is in a demographic that doesn't appreciate things constantly moving on the screen, you might want to disable these effects.

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