Borders > Collection page

While we've discussed the design of the product grid here, you can tweak the contents of individual collections in the Collection Page template:

There are quite a few options in the collection page, starting with the header of the page, which can contain the collection image and collection description.

The collection needs a featured image in order to show the banner.

Going next, you have the options to edit your product grid, choosing between the number of columns both for desktop and mobile devices, and choose if and how you want to do filtering / sorting.

To configure the filters on your store you will need to install Shopify Search & Discovery app.

Collection promotions

You might notice that the collection page gives you the ability to insert blocks. These blocks will appear inside the grid and function as promotion blocks, where you can either write something about the current collection or promote a special product, new collection, sale, etc.

These blocks have quite a few settings, giving you the option to set where should they display in the results, show only on the first page or hide on mobile devices. You can use any kind of media, images or videos, change the card design as you see fit, and also write a title & subtitle, plus a button for a clear call to action. Any of these are optional so you can mix them and create a really interactive collection page.

Collection navigation

One other section that's available in collection pages is the collection navigation, which adds an automated navigation that shows your customers the next / previous collections from the one you are on.

Collection description

If you have large descriptions or don't want them to be shown at the top, in the collection banner, you can simply add the collection description section, which contains the collection's description, as written in the Shopify Admin.

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