Local > Colors

The colors are separated in four different areas:

  • Header (affects the top part of the theme)
  • Body (affects everything in the body, regular page content, drawers & modal popups)
  • Cards (affects all the cards layout - cards are individual content holders like the product grid elements, promotion blocks, rich text sections, etc.)
  • Footer (affects the bottom part of the theme

Custom colors in individual sections

If you want to make certain sections stand out you can do this as well, as most of the sections will give you the ability to edit colors individually.

Changing section colors

At section level you can change the background color and text color of the headings (navigation). You can also remove the section's top margin in order to have a more compact design.

Changing card colors

Again, in some sections, you will see the possibility of changing individual card colors, as follows:

These are custom colors, so if nothing is set (transparent), the default color will be shown (the one you set in the general Theme Settings). You can't make invisible colors.

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