Local > Blogs & articles
Blogs are pretty straightforward in our theme, you can can change the layout and info through settings and blocks. both for the blog pages and blog posts.
Blog posts quick buy
One thing that needs to be noted here is our "recipes" feature that we've implemented in Local, which if enabled, it will turn all of your product links from the post content into actual quick buy products making it easy to cross sell your products through the blog.
For this to work, you just have to enable the feature from the content and insert links without the https://yoursite.com part .. For example https://local-theme-light-demo.myshopify.com/products/sandwitch-buns becomes /products/sandwitch-buns
After this is all set, the feature will automatically work whenever it detects products in the blog post content.
You can create separate blog posts templates, one for your regular article, one for your recipes if you want.